Updated Visitation Guidance 3.20.23

Updated Visitor Testing and Screening Guidance

Revised March 17, 2023

The purpose of this health advisory is to announce that the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is fully aligning with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Nursing Home Visitation – COVID-19 (REVISED) regarding nursing home COVID-19 screening and visitor testing. Specifically, nursing homes are no longer required to verify that visitors have a negative COVID-19 test before entry or conduct active COVID-19 screening.

At this time, based on community transmission rates for the covid virus, the facility may continue to do active screening of visitors. Active screening refers to requiring anyone entering the facility to complete a symptom screening questionnaire or an in-person interview and/or have their temperature taken before being allowed entry into the facility.

The facility will continue to conduct passive visitor screening – please refer to the posted signs at the facility entry and front desk regarding: use of face mask or covering; hand hygiene; and general infection control procedures.

This advisory supersedes all previous NYSDOH requirements related to nursing home screening and visitor testing including, but not limited to, requirements outlined in DAL NH 21- 30, issued on January 4, 2022, and Health Advisory: Nursing Home Testing, Cohorting and Visitation Guidance, issued on October 13, 2022.

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Waterview Hills Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Purdy Station received an overall Better Than Average score by US World and News Report. We also received a High-Performing score for our short-stay rating!

Congratulations to the entire Purdy Station team on this amazing accomplishment!


Waterview Hills Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Purdy Station received an overall Better Than Average score by US World and News Report. We also received a High-Performing score for our short-stay rating!

Congratulations to the entire Purdy Station team on this amazing accomplishment!